Fire With Fire 2012
Plot Synopsis
Jeremy Colman, a Long Beach firefighter, barely escapes from a brutal crime scene where he witnesses a local gang lord, David Hagan, with his goons, murders a mini mart's owner and the owner's son vying for territory. Despite the arrested Hagan recites all of Jeremy's personal information as a threat, Jeremy identifies him as the murderer and agrees to be placed in a witness protection program, where he later begins a relationship with a U.S. marshal assign to protect him named Talia Durham, who truly loves him and trains him in gunning for self-defense. Hagan strengthens the threat by hunting down not only Jeremy, but also Talia, and all his close friends and colleagues at home. It ignites Jeremy's intent of killing Hagan regardless of the trial and against the law, before which he has to pave the road with blood-for-blood vengeance upon the best of Hagan's gangsters.
Posters & Stills Gallery1 image
Jeremy Coleman
Mike Cella
Talia Durham
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Movie Reviews
/ 10